Hot Roddy Garden Gnome. Your own customisation.

Pixielands fastest garden gnome Nester (oops! Hot Roddy is the moniker he prefers to be known by on track), will be happy to race around any garden in whatever colour car you decide you would like.

Just click on the red button below and complete the 3 required fields which are, the main colour of the car, the colour of the flames and what you would like on his number plate. If you have a photograph you feel better describes your preferred colour scheme, then by all means, upload one, but this is not a required item. All information including the photograph are saved as you add to cart then 'Hot Roddy' and his hot rod will be with you in a flash …. well 2-4 weeks!

Over the years Nester has been also many other types of cares - Postman, Herbie, Army vehicle, pick-up truck, and many more. If your looking for somethng special you can email us to enquiry, if what your looking for is able to be made.

Made To Order

Enter your Hot Rod customisation

Maximum 25 characters

Maximum 25 characters

Maximum 10 characters

Compatible file extensions to upload: jpg, png, pdf

Please let us have the information as set out above, your garden gnome will be delivered in 2-4 weeks.

Hot Roddy and his car measure approximately 33cm high, 39cm long and 20cms wide.

Hand made and painted with frost proof paint, here at Pixieland

This a wonderful gift, guaranteed to be unique with your own customisation

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